Sophie Bates, Ulijona Odišarija, Kashika Ashley Cooper, Sarah Boulton, Anna Joy Reading, Jess Bryant, Eiko Soga, Dan Powell, Hannah Dargavel-Leafe, Harry Bix.

Softly is a group exhibition contained in the form of a single email.

The email will land softly in your inbox within the next few weeks.
We feel the way these artists deal with emotion in their work.
Bridges can't be too hard because they break in the wind. So they need to be a bit soft in their knees.

Curated by Anna Reading and Sarah Boulton, 2016

We have decided to try to do the Softly launch in the "Observatory space” right outside the Slade School of Art. Its round and its nice and its in central London. If you can, lets meet there at 6pm on 3rd November (2016) to press the button. Anna and I will bring wine.
Hey everyone,

Hope lots of you can make it to the private launch in the UCL observatory building this Thursday at 6pm.

Please check over the list of names and titles below and let me know of any mistakes.

Much love xxxx

1. Sophie Bates, Now’s a good time to get up in the time zone you’re in, Video 00:11:20

2. Ulijona Odišarija, Slightly, Video 00:00:45

3. Hannah Dargavel-Leafe, Toilet Drone, Sound work 00:01:11

4. Kashika Ashley Cooper, soft teeth, Photgraph

5. Sarah Boulton, Words in the shower, Text

6. Anna Joy Reading, I just think it would be nice if we all did that a bit more, Photograph

7. Jess Bryant, Curiosity of the shedding sock, Website

8. Harry Bix, I can’t believe you’re here but I know that you’re real, Sound work 00:01:24

9. Eiko Soga, Microbes As Secret Agents Of ( ), Video 00:01:51

10. Dan Powell, Webcam Tunnel, net.
SW to SE (London)
Lamp Post Diner
North Sea / Nordzee
Special, Smothered
Women Eating on Camera
Hello / Goodbye
Activities for Couples
The Cave
Conference Cone
Outfit Days
Sunless Sleepless
Lieu Ne Vas Plus
De Magnet (Part 1)
Seasonal Dates
Now's a good time to get up in the time zone you're in, 11'20'' (2016)