The Cave is the name for our collaborative practice formed in Rotterdam, 2017. Our time together is spent guarding a level of provisionalism.
We sang acapella under a quilt at Treize , Paris, in a basement in Rotterdam South and in the paleolithic Grotte de Spy, Belgium.
We will continue to support each other’s endeavours, abuse each other’s resources and share authorship in some but not all cases.
Future plans are to book a family room at easyHotel, hold hands with each other’s mothers and record a song that people will want to dance to.
wystawa realizowana we współpracy z Wydziałem Malarstwa i Nowych Mediów Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie oraz z STIPS - Film Services Szczecin
left: Untitled, framed scanned images, Katharina Cameron, 2017 / right: Conference Cone, video, 5mins, Sophie Bates, 2017